
The TouchIT resident mobile app is a comprehensive solution designed to elevate the living experience in condominium communities by streamlining communication, simplifying everyday tasks, and fostering a sense of connectedness among residents. This all-in-one platform offers a wide array of features and functionalities, ranging from access control and maintenance requests to amenity booking and community event calendars. By providing residents with a convenient, user-friendly tool to manage various aspects of their living environment, the app helps create a more efficient, secure, and enjoyable living experience.

Why Choose Our Resident App

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, the need for efficient and convenient solutions is more crucial than ever. The condo resident mobile app addresses this need by offering an integrated platform that seamlessly connects residents with building management and their neighbors. Through real-time notifications, easy access to important documents, and a centralized communication channel, the app keeps residents informed and engaged, ultimately strengthening the sense of community and promoting a harmonious living environment.

By embracing the condo resident mobile app, condominium communities can reap the benefits of modern technology to enhance security, streamline processes, and foster a culture of connectedness. This innovative solution empowers residents with the tools they need to manage their living experience more effectively, while simultaneously providing building management with valuable insights and feedback to optimize operations and maintain high levels of satisfaction among residents. In doing so, the condo resident mobile app represents a powerful tool for creating thriving, well-managed condominium communities that residents are proud to call home.

Resident Directory

The app features a searchable resident directory, making it easy for neighbors to connect and fostering a sense of community within the condominium.

Security Features

Some condo resident mobile apps may also integrate with security systems, enabling residents to view live camera feeds or receive alerts about security incidents within the condominium.


The system can be scaled to suit the size and security requirements of various facilities, offering a versatile solution for different situations.


Our custom tailored Solution for your Building

Access Control

Residents can use the mobile app to remotely unlock doors, grant access to visitors, and manage temporary access codes, ensuring secure and seamless entry to the premises.

Facility Booking

The app allows residents to book and manage reservations for shared amenities, such as gyms, pools, and event spaces, streamlining the reservation process and preventing double bookings.


Building management can send announcements and notifications through the app, keeping residents informed about important updates, such as maintenance schedules, policy changes, or emergency situations.


The app may offer an integrated payment portal, allowing residents to conveniently pay association fees, rent, or other charges directly through the app.

Visitor Notifications

Residents receive real-time notifications when packages and deliveries arrive, ensuring timely collection and reducing the risk of theft or damage.

Maintenance Requests

Residents can submit and track maintenance requests directly through the app, allowing for efficient communication with building management and faster resolution of issues.

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